“Cogito Ergo Sum”

Rene Decartes

Rene Descartes’ funky catchphrase has remained viral over centuries. It has found its place everywhere from roomful of scholars to the back of Indie T-shirts and Coffee mugs. 

“I think, therefore I am.”

Our unique footprint on this planet is made out of our thoughts. They construct the framework of our existence. 

What follows that thread of logic is:

I am. What I think. 

Our thoughts construct not just the evidence of our existence, but also its essence. Our minds are what distinguishes us.

Even identical twins who were born of a single egg split into two, and are often identical to the very tip of their pinky fingers, have minds as widely different as a chair from a horse. 

The stream of consciousness running through our minds traverses a unique course in every single individual. There are a zillion trajectories and yet these threads intersect at points of confluence, they swirl to mysterious rhythms, they are bound with commonalities that cut across cultures and geopolitical boundaries. 

Ideas, logic, debate,  dissent, inspirations, revolutions. These are the products of our minds.

While they find form through our dialects, ideas and thoughts transcend barriers of language and time.  What we feel. How we see ourselves, others, and this world is intricately bound with the thoughts in our minds. The ones we consciously gather, and more so by those that remain suspended in a subliminal haze at an unconscious level. If we strive to be mindful of our own thoughts, and perceptive of that of others, we will find new vistas of communication and inspiration opening up before us. Every great invention and innovation, every hack, every mind-bending epiphany draws its origin to a single spark in the sublime spaces of the human mind. Every human mind is a minefield of a million such sparks, waiting to dazzle the world with its brilliance.

Life is the journey to seek and strike the right pair of flintstones, to make it happen.