The 5-Step Fix

This is a safe spot.

A weather-beaten hardwood community park bench. The kind you see placed next to the running tracks.

The one where you might sit down for a moment of leisure or simply marvel at the understated glory of the morning sun.

Every single day, for most of our time, our feet are busy on the running tracks of life.

Chasing deadlines and dreams, earning money for rent or recreation, ticking boxes off bucket lists, winning laurels or affection, making friends or enemies.

Surviving and thriving. Winning or losing.


At yet, there are moments between all the business of being who we are, when we long for stillness.

We long for conscious affirmation of divine grace.

We long for moments of reflection on the mysterious purpose that has put us here.

Every such moment, every such blink-and-miss instant can be a moment of transformation.

A Point Zero from which a new life may begin for us.

A life in intimate connection with our own self, with others, and the rhythms of nature.

In order to realize the sublime beauty and true splendor of the life that is given to us, we need to nurture it in a special way.

This is a place of such kind of nurturing through 5 simple ways:

1. Sublime words– Read books. Read poems. Words have the power to move mountains, manifest change, move masses to achieve the impossible. Find inspiration in the wisdom and creative imagination of others.
2. Sublime mind– The human mind is a miraculous thing. Be mindful of your thoughts. Your thoughts shape your vision. 
3. Sublime health– Take care of your body. Your body is your only true home. Seek health and endurance through sustainable and holistic ways.  
4. Sublime self– Be connected with your own self to find  fulfillment in your “connectedness” with others. How intimately we know ourselves determines how we navigate our relationships with others. 
5. Sublime earth Be connected with nature. We must thrive in harmony with the planet. Nature is our primordial parent, guide, and philosopher. The original source of all human inspiration and wisdom.